Session 1
Workshop A
How to detect a Digital Scam and respond to it (Roger Blatchford)
A workshop on scamming, what to be aware of and strategies for practitioners to take into their classes
Workshop B
Turning points: Developing digital skills in prison for lifelong learners. (Paul Barnes)
This presentation outlines the partnership between Curtin University and Department of Justice (DOJ) Western Australia who are using an innovative and response approach coupled with culturally appropriate learning content to increase access to tertiary education to member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander community who are incarcerated.
The over representation of incarcerated aboriginal people in WA does not adequately reflect the percentage of enrolments with in indigenous within state prisoners. Curtin and DOJ have worked in collaboration to successfully pilot Curtin’s Centre for Aboriginal Studies Indigenous Tertiary Enabling course (ITEC) at Casuarina Prison and this course has now been successfully introduced into other prisons including Bandyup Women’s Prison and Greenough Regional Prison.
The presentation will discuss ITEC prison outreach program structure and content including, the DOJ and Curtin’s separate and combined strategies and approaches to staffing, as well as student support, challenges, outcomes as they pertain to use of technology and the development of digital skills in prison.
Workshop C
Digital skills: Have a go at digital learning (Sara Venuto)
A practical and interactive workshop on activities for digital learning in the classroom.
This will involve examining, analysing and debating on options.
The session will focus on the pros and cons of different exercises, tasks, and tools.
As an outcome, attendants will walk away with ideas and information on strengths and weaknesses.
Workshop D
This workshop has been moved to Session 3
Session 2
Workshop A
Sludge-a-thon, Sludge buster & English readability guide (Jo Medlin)
In 2022 Jo was a guest at the NSW Sludge-a-thon where she was impressed by the work of the Corrective Services NSW Team who were developing a hand-held device for use by prisoners: Having taught into corrective services for many years via paper-based distance education, she was excited by the potential of the device to expand prison education options. In this workshop Jo will discuss the potential lessons from sludge-busting for educators. She will also share insights learned from dozens of other organisations she met in a second project that started as a plain language project but soon morphed into a wide-ranging reader-friendly communication approach.
Workshop B
Resources, services and stories in the State Library of Western Australia (Limited to 20 people)
Your State Library is a storehouse of amazing resources. There are collection items targeting literacy engagement for adults, support services for digital access and exhibitions showcasing Western Australian stories, to list a few. Join us for a tour of the building and a presentation on how to share the free physical and online resources and services available to you, your students and community.
The State Library Heritage and Engagement team are keen to serve you and our communities in the best way we can.
Please Note: This workshop runs for 50 minutes after walking from TAFE to the State Library
Workshop C
Geoff Pearson – An Introduction to Camtasia – Part 1
In this two session workshop, Geoff will show you the basics of how to use Camtasia to produce a simple L&L teaching video. You’ll learn about Camtasia’s two key features – the timeline and the working canvas – and how to add and edit different media, such as images, video recordings, sound files and text. And by the end of the session, you will have made your first Camtasia video.
NB: All participants will need to bring their own laptops pre-loaded with the trial version of Camtasia. As the trial version only lasts for three days, you should not download it until the day before the session.
Workshop D
State Library of Western Australia – Storylines
Engage with WA Indigenous people through historical documents, movies, oral histories and photographs.
Please Note: This workshop is aimed at people who are First Nation or working with First Nation Students
Session 3
Workshop A
Your face matters! (Deniese Cox)
The webcam has become an essential tool in our toolkit over the past couple of years. Whether we formally present online, are recording content, or hosting live tutorials and meetings, the webcam is now an everyday tool. However, the nature of your camera feed (angle, framing, position, etc) all significantly affect the learning experience and learning outcomes for your students. Yes, it even impacts learner engagement! Don’t be that educator who is accidentally blocking learner engagement just because of your camera feed.
During this essential session, you’ll hear learner feedback about their experiences and perceptions. You’ll also learn really practical advice that you can immediately apply regardless of what technology you have available to you. These insights are relevant for any educator who appears on screen (live or recorded).
Workshop B
Resources, services and stories in the State Library of Western Australia Continued (Limited to 20 people)
Your State Library is a storehouse of amazing resources. There are collection items targeting literacy engagement for adults, support services for digital access and exhibitions showcasing Western Australian stories, to list a few. Join us for a tour of the building and a presentation on how to share the free physical and online resources and services available to you, your students and community.
The State Library Heritage and Engagement team are keen to serve you and our communities in the best way we can.
Please Note: This workshop runs for 50 minutes after walking from TAFE to the State Library
Workshop C
Geoff Pearson – An Introduction to Camtasia – Part 2
In this two session workshop, Geoff will show you the basics of how to use Camtasia to produce a simple L&L teaching video. You’ll learn about Camtasia’s two key features – the timeline and the working canvas – and how to add and edit different media, such as images, video recordings, sound files and text. And by the end of the session, you will have made your first Camtasia video.
NB: All participants will need to bring their own laptops pre-loaded with the trial version of Camtasia. As the trial version only lasts for three days, you should not download it until the day before the session.
Workshop D
Volunteers working in the adult literacy space: stories to share (Richard West – Read Write Now)
Read Write Now is a community-based organisation with approximately 500 volunteer tutors throughout WA working with adults on a one-to-one basis to help improve their reading, writing, spelling, maths and basic computer skills.
Students in the Read Write Now program meet with a trained volunteer tutor once a week, one-to-one, free of charge at a local library or community centre. Tutoring sessions focus on student’s individual specific needs and goals.
The Read Write Now program is for adults aged 18 years and over who are permanent residents and have lived in Australia for more than 10 years.