Yvette Terpstra
Yvette Terpstra is a language, literacy and numeracy specialist. She teaches at-risk youth, and inmates at a remand and reintegration facility.
Yvette helps her students tap into their strengths and forge pathways to empowerment. Yvette never makes assumptions about her students and prefers to base her teaching on the development of shared knowledge.
Yvette works closely with an Aboriginal community development officer, who acts as a guide to ensure her class content is culturally appropriate for Indigenous students.

Paul Barnes
Vice Chairperson
Paul Barnes has over 15 years’ strategic and operational management experience within corrections centres across Australia. Paul has broad cross jurisdictional experience working in a variety of correctional centres including maximum, medium and minimum centres and he has been a pioneer in the provision of education and training services in those centres.
Paul is an award winning correctional education management practitioner whose focus is on providing quality vocational education and training services which assists incarcerated learners to improve their literacy and numeracy skills making them more employable upon release and reducing the risk of them reoffending.
Paul is the Prisoner Education Campus Manager at West Kimberley Regional Prison.

Marguerite Cullity
Dr Marguerite Cullity (Ph.D) is an experienced ‘literacy’ researcher, teacher, curriculum designer, and WAALC Committee member.
Marguerite has worked across a range of educational sectors including adult corrections, adult basic, undergraduate, TAFE, primary, CALD and special needs education. As an Australian volunteer (2016) she designed an adult literacy curriculum famework for the Mothers’ Union of Melanesia.
Theo Bekkers
Simone Collard
Committee Member
Chantal Adams
Committee Member

Sara Venuto
Committee Member
Sara Venuto (Associate Director Academic Quality, South Regional TAFE)
Born in the UK, resided in Italy (Venice) up to the age of 25 years, bilingual Italian/English, also speak French, Spanish and German.
English as an Additional Language teacher for over 25yrs – in Italy, Czech Republic, Australia.
CELTA, Bachelor of Adult Education and VET, Post-Graduate Certificate in TESOL, Lead Auditor Skillset.
A passion for well-planned lessons, engaging/interactive delivery and Academic Quality.

Emilia Biemmi Beurteaux
Committee Member
Emilia Biemmi Beurteaux is an adult educator with 22 years’ experience having worked as a literacy and numeracy specialist in prisons, an Indigenous RTO and TAFE – mostly in the West Kimberley of Western Australia.
Emilia’s experiences centre predominantly around Indigenous adult learners and teaching literacy/numeracy skills through practical projects based on individual, community or organisational needs. Emilia strives to develop a welcoming environment, developing rapport and connecting to communities.
Emilia is a currently a Principal Lecturer at North Regional TAFE providing academic support to lecturers across five different training packages using her skills in adult education and the vocational sector to support successful learning outcomes for all students of TAFE.
Committee Member
Committee Member