Separate registration required
Subject to change without notice
There are four symposia to choose from. Each are full day events and cost $155 (GST inc) each and are in addition to the conference registration.
Thursday, 7 April 2016 • SYMPOSIUM 1: Discovering the Power of Two Worlds: Exchanging Ways of Speaking in Aboriginal Education
Sunday, 10 April 2016 • SYMPOSIUM 2: Youth at Promise: Successful services and initiatives for young people in transition
Monday, 11 April 2016 • SYMPOSIUM 3: Let's Talk About Numeracy: Bringing numeracy and language together in multilingual classrooms
Monday, 11 April 2016 • SYMPOSIUM 4: Integrating language, curriculum and humanitarian practices: Meeting the challenge for EAL/D learners
Thursday, 7 April 2016
SYMPOSIUM 1: Discovering the Power of Two Worlds:
Exchanging Ways of Speaking in Aboriginal Education
Convenor: Patricia Konigsberg, WATESOL
This symposium, with direct reference to the needs and resources of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander people, will discuss the ways of achieving:
- Valid mutual expression and understanding of both Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal cultural and linguistic representations;
- Negotiating effective ways of learning and experience which enable common goals to be reached from culturally and linguistically diverse starting points, and
- Advancing towards effective social institutions and practices which are acceptable and fair to all.
Confirmed guest speakers include: Professor Ian Malcolm, Glenys Collard, Dr Androula Yiakoumetti, Coral Brockman, Dr Judith Rochecouste, Professor Beth Armstrong, Dr Samantha Disbray.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
SYMPOSIUM 2: Youth at Promise
Successful services and initiatives for young people in transition
Convenor: Margaret McHugh, WAALC
Young people from 15 – 24 years of age are faced with many challenges as they transition from childhood to take on the roles and responsibilities of adults. This symposium focuses on the complex lives of young people and some of the successful educational and other services that can help even out the playing field for those that do not inherit their just share of cultural, economic and linguistic capital. You will hear from people who have been involved in setting up the first Foyer project in Western Australia and about the Gateway initiative at Murdoch University. Visiting UK academic Dr Vicky Duckworth will consider the justness of developing egalitarian approaches to pedagogies based on care and mutual respect in an era when education is positioned as a commodity.
Confirmed guest speakers: Dr Vicky Duckworth, Sue Thompson, Donna Carr (and students)
Monday, 11 April 2016
Note: All symposia are full day. Choose only one on Monday
SYMPOSIUM 3: Let's Talk About Numeracy
Bringing numeracy and language together in multilingual classrooms
Convenor: Cheryl Wiltshire, WAALC
In this symposia, Beth Marr will lead a number of presenters from different sectors to explore the issues that surrounds the need to teach people to be able to talk about their mathematical and numeracy knowledge and to use talk to build this knowledge.
Participants are invited to develop the program through a pre-symposium survey so make sure you register early so you can contribute to this process.
Sessions may focus on:
- principles that underpin good practice in improving the connection between Numeracy and English language development and literacy skills acquisition
- how assessment practices support or disrupt good practice
- adaptions needed for different cultural contexts.
Confirmed guest speakers include: Beth Marr, Di Tomazos and Dave Tout
Monday, 11 April 2016
Note: All symposia are full day. Choose only one on Monday
SYMPOSIUM 4: Integrating language, curriculum and humanitarian practices
Meeting the challenge for EAL/D learners
Convenor: Louise Dodman
In this symposium, the theory behind the integration of language and curriculum content, which has long been an area of contention for teachers of EAL/D, will be presented by Jenny Hammond, our feature speaker. This will be followed by practical workshops presented by practising teachers with a focus on integrating language across a diverse curriculum. We will then hear from guest speakers and past students who will be sharing experiences from personal and professional viewpoints on the topics of humanitarian practices, refugees and cultural diversity. Some of these speakers will also participate in a panel discussion during which participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and exchange experiences.
Confirmed guest speaker: Dr Jenny Hammond